Sunday, June 27, 2010

Presentation plans

Initially the plan was to create videos – that would have been uploaded into blackboard for students to go through. Than at later stage we- started planning what to do with the videos – and it seems like – if one person is just talking in that video, it does become boring and students may loose interest in hearing it. So the plan has been changed to – instead of having videos with a person talking – we better have presentation in which we can have the voice explaining and the picture showing or demonstrating with animation to learners what is being explained. In this way the understanding on the other end would turn out to be better.

The presentation can also be done using Wimba presentation as well as PP. Wimba presentation allows you to browse through a website and include voice and text message along side with it. This would be very beneficial to get students into research type of work where its make it easier to explain what you expect them to be doing. Since the orientation is only for level 2 students, i really do not intend to put websites for them to browse through and do any such activities. But just as for a learning experience, I will upload a presentation on slideshare website – and link this site to the Wimba presentation, so that they can view the presentation as well as hear the voice output. Another think I have noticed is that the voice in Wimba presentation seems to be lot more clearer – it cuts the back ground noise. So recording seems to be pretty good.



Wimba Create

Wimba Create - is a very useful tool to use for designing elearning material. It can be a add-in in Microsoft word, and it allows to covert word docs into web pages... that are very easily uploaded into blackboard.

I am using it to display a few reading materials for sudents to make it easier for them to navigate through in an interactive way.
There are other features that i have not used in wimba create as yet. but i think it is really useful so far.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Work in Progress

Have completed my presentations for the online orientation – and its looking great. I have used PowerPoint – to develop the presentation, and instead of using the built-in voice recorder to record the voice, I have recorded it separately and added it in the presentation. The PowerPoint built in voice recorder seems to record a lot of background noise, so it was not very clear. Have submitted the presentation for feedback and will be making necessary changes to it before publishing it. The only way I am thinking of publishing it is by putting the sound file together with the presentation in one folder and zip it before up loading it, not sure if that’s the best way – if anyone knows any other ways, do let me know.

Currently I am looking in Wimba Create – got it installed in my PC and exploring it at present. Will try and use it for a portion of my online orientation if possible.
I am a bit behind, trying to catch up and complete everything as soon as possible.
